Saturday, August 24, 2013

Saturday night Aug 24, 

It's been a long time since I last posted.  I feel a need to have a forum to attempt to enlighten some of the "low information" voters out there.

President Obama has been an unmitigated disaster.  He is determined to jam socialist programs down our throat and doesn't mind ignoring the Constitution to do it.

His latest outrage is to bring forth a plan to "rate" colleges and universities and increase or decrease their funding according to how they rate.  His goal is to control what is taught just the way the government controls what is taught in our public schools.  This is a basic move for budding dictators, control the minds of the young and you can get away with anything. This has to be countered and stopped.

I would not be surprised to see Obama making a move toward changing the term limit law in order to stay in office past 2016, keep your ears open.

I am totally fed up with the Republican Party and do not call myself a Republican any more but a Conservative leaning toward Libertarian.  I see the Tea Party as the only counter balance to the country being dragged toward socialism or worse.  The establishment Republicans (Boehner, McConnell etc ) will do not have the will to stand up to the Democrats and stop them from imposing Obama Care &, gun control on us and preventing Eric Holder from interfering with the states who want simple voter ID laws.  Who could possibly object to showing a picture ID before voting?  Only those who intend to stuff the ballot box.

The size and complexity of the income tax code is simply a tool to favor the people and businesses who can afford a legal department and punish those of us who want to do our own taxes. I support the FAIR TAX or Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan.  If 10% is enough for God it should be enough for our government.  It it is not enough then the government should live within that amount and stop all non-essential actions which mainly serve to complicate our lives and make it difficult for small businesses to thrive.

 If you are interested here are some great books:

by Mark R. Levin
Men in Black - How the Supreme Court is Destroying America
Liberty and Tyranny - Conservative Manifesto
Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America
The Liberty Ammendments - Restoring the American Republic

Bio of Mark Levin [Wikipedia]
An American lawyer, author, conservative commentator, and the host of American
syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show. Levin worked in the administration
of President Ronald Reagan and was a chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin
Meese. He is president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, has authored five books
and contributes commentary to various media outlets such as National Review Online.

Redemption: The Last Battle of the Civil War
by Nicholas Lemann [Available at Amazon:]

This book tells the real story of the reconstruction and why every black person was a Republican. Also how they voted Democrat because they would be killed if they voted for a Republican.

Central Iowa  [under construction]